Ep. 032: Everett Downing – Sony Pictures Animation Storyboard Artist and Creator of ‘The Book of Mojo’ – Part II


In episode 032 storyboard artist and animator Everett Downing discusses how he landed his various jobs at the top studios in the industry, what it was like getting interviewed on NPR, Wired Magazine, i09 and more for 365 Supers and his current project, The Book of Mojo. And if you’re going to CTNX 2016 in Burbank Nov. 18th – 20th you can hear him speak about his work and career and The Book of Mojo!

Everett Downing’s Websites

Website: http://www.edowning.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edogdowning

Instagram: @Edogdowning

Twitter: @Mr_Scribbles

The Book of Mojo: http://www.bookofmojo.com/

See Everett Downing Live at CTNX in Burbank, CA!

Saturday Nov. 19, 2016
The Virtual Studio – 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm

Sunday Nov. 20, 2016
Cultural Representation in Film and Books – 12:45 pm to 1:30 pm
Book Signing – The Book of Mojo – 2:00 pm to 3:30pm

Check out the link for more information and to purchase tickets:

Also, previous guests Steve Ahn, Mike Yates and Pat Marconett will be in attendance at CTNX and previous guest Christine Knopp will be at DesignerCon. Make sure to say hello!

DesignerCon 2016
The Show

Website: www.theanimatedjourney.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/theanimatedjourney

Tumblr: www.theanimatedjourney.tumblr.com

Twitter: @animjourney

Instagram: @animjourney

The Host

Website: www.sketchysoul.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/sketchysoul

Tumblr: www.sketchysoul.tumblr.com

Twitter: @SketchySoul

Instagram: @SketchySoul
